

Raphaëlle is an alumna of the Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden. Since graduation in 2015, she danced with several dance companies in Portugal and Germany. She performs pieces from other artists as well as her own works.


  • Laboratorio Danza
  • Tanzherbst Kempten
  • Tanzlabor Roxy Ulm
  • Theatre Ulm
  • Sorbisches National Ensemble
  • Hessisches Staatsballett
  • Kayzer ballet
"Around the world of democracy" / Foto: Dariusz Leszczynski
"Der Placeboeffekt" - Laboratorio Danza / Foto: Dariusz Leszczynski
"Home?" / Foto: Benjamin Krauss
"Home?" / Foto: Ralf Ritscher