Cultural manager

Hi everyone!

Ich bin Raphaëlle Polidor, eine Fränzosische/Deutsche Tanz- & Kulturmacherin.

I started dancing when I was 5 and a few years later I decided that my passion should become my profession. From then on there was only dance for me. After graduating from high school, I moved to Germany to expand my knowledge in ballet, contemporary dance and improvisation at the Palucca School of Dance in Dresden. After my bachelor's degree I started my professional career, first in Portugal and then in Germany. Until today, I have worked with multi-faceted dance ensembles (Hessiches Staatsballet, Ballet, Sorbian National Ensemble, Theater Ulm) and had the opportunity to dance on over 50 different stages across Europe.
Life is an on learning process, I have always wanted to gather as much knowledge as possible. During my dance training I came across Yoga and Pilates and I have decided to go deeper and get for both techniques a certification. A dance career is always very short and I always wanted to be ready for the day I would have to say goodbye to the stage, so I kept on studying and graduated with bachelors in marketing and sales as well as masters in cultural management.
Currently I am in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany striving to inspire people and aspire to make the world dance a bit more everyday!

See you soon,

Show me your move - Roxy Ulm 2021